Sirius FTSO and HXK Oracle Same Dev and or Algorithm

The following spikes relate to Sirius FTSO and HXK Oracle on Flare network.

Sirius FTSO
Flare: 0xAd5E40Ff92B083c657d27eCc1c629256e0Af0eD8
Songbird: 0x14f17A0B6dEf7eCfc4F807904C27842b556d42be

HXK Oracle
Flare: 0x3805762710f1aeb3b62d3Cd36820eA19eb88a8D0
Songbird: 0x6c6f1d0fbf5e21c3f8b2ae6ef3e2ef479f95f438,0xad5e40ff92b083c657d27ecc1c629256e0af0ed8&endTime=1678618170&relative=true,0xad5e40ff92b083c657d27ecc1c629256e0af0ed8&endTime=1685537550&relative=true,0xad5e40ff92b083c657d27ecc1c629256e0af0ed8&endTime=1681338330&relative=true,0xad5e40ff92b083c657d27ecc1c629256e0af0ed8&endTime=1685363490&relative=true,0xad5e40ff92b083c657d27ecc1c629256e0af0ed8&endTime=1678788450&relative=true

Sirius FTSO and HXK Oracle will be invited for their feedback.


For information purposes,
Sirius FTSO is being run by a person named as hiro who run Toadz old provider.
He had admitted of giving code to his friend Love and he was also exposed last September to have on chain transactions with many providers (01,Old Oracle Swap,Ape,Owl)
If anyone needs a refresh on that we can relook in the September event


These two are obviously tied to the ring of collusion that was discovered last year.


Greater 4dads team agrees and we support


@Neil I don’t deny the evidences you have submitted on the forum.

Starting with the conclusion, it’s clear that HKX Oracle is not run by me, but by the guy who run LoveFTSO, FLR_Labs, and CoffeeFTSO. As soon as I left sToadzFTSO, I started running SiriusFTSO on my own and submitted Tom T the necessary provider information.

I’ve already admitted to sharing an old algorithm with Love when I was a dev on sToadz, and he ran several providers (LoveFTSO, FLR_Labs, CoffeeFTSO) simultaneously. I have been watching their price submissions for a long time and have checked the evidence mentioned in several proposals many times.

I have updated the algorithm with a new one to prevent collusion with them, and I rarely use the exchanges they currently use. Currently, I can’t find any evidence like @Neil’s submission on the flare monitor.

I have already suggested to Tom T several times to remove LoveFTSO, FLR_Labs, CoffeFTSO, and HKX Oracles. How could I say that in the past if I run it? Once again, I don’t have any affiliation with them, and I only focus on SiriusFTSO updates.

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Seems you were ,in part, responsible for many of the clones that have led to negative impact on the ftso system. First chilling seems appropriate as a consequence. As long as things remain separate after initial chilling I would think no further action would be taken. Given you admission of being involved, I’m still in favor of chilling.


For the record I support chilling these providers

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What you say has nothing to do with the subject of this proposal. I don’t run HKX Oracle and I don’t think it’s the right move to chill SiriusFTSO since we have a different algorithm.

You have different algo now? Or have always had different algo?

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You admitted to sharing an algo with love, who according to you now runs HXK.


Thanks for commenting @Sirius and I appreciate you confirming they’re using the LoveFTSO algorithm.

I believe, from past discussions in the FTSO Discord channel, there’s others who you suspect are using the same algo, if so, please mention them here.

As for chilling SiriusFTSO, once again we arrive back at the undisputed fact, you shared your algorithm with LoveFTSO, which is the root cause of most, it not all, collusion on the network.


Yes, but my current algo is different to HXK Oracle. That’s why I think only HXK should be chilled.

Given the data presented and the admission from @Sirius of previous giving away his algo to other providers. I agree with both FTSOs being chilled.


It is clear these providers are utilizing the same algorithm from both an admission of guilt and the evidence presented. These data providers should be chilled.


I agree with both FTSOs being chilled.

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I support chilling these providers

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Chilling for both ftsos supported by our team.

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Thank you for taking the time to reply and offer your side of story.
Given the fact that you have admitted what happened, Atlas will vote to chill you.
I would also like to say to you that this is a temporary suspension and you should just accept that you broke the rules and accept this “penalty”.
I dont harbor any ill will against you or your provider and hope you stay clear of any trasgressions in the future.


If a provider would runs an FTSO without having mercenary behaviour, that would be the best for the network. Since Sirius seems to be responsible for this proliferation of clones, I support the chill proposal of theese providers.

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Thanks for your honesty (assuming you are hiro). Without doxxing those that stole from you, can you give us some background on the other crew? Specifically, country of origin (we’ve traced back to Canadian and HK ips — more than likely vpns however) and how many developers in the crew? Based on the research, we believe they have a history of web3 fraud on other chains… can you confirm or unknown? Any info you could pass on publicly or privately without doxxing would be great to warn other FTSOs.