AilandFlare running multiple providers

The FTSO name you chose to use that day isn’t relevant. Both were ran by you. You were being punished and you chose to continue to submit. The purpose of the management group is to eliminate clones not to allow person to submit to no end under any combination of names imaginable.

@Moe_Sun-Dara PinnacleFTSO was chilled earlier than AilandFlare.

Why does the first chilling exist? @Brent-4Dads

According to your opinion, once chilling forever is enough.

PinnacleFTSO was chilled earlier than AilandFlare.

Yes and this would be the second time AilandFlare could be chilled and then banned.

Of course, I support the second chilling of AilandFlare.

the evidence looks to me to be against AilandFlare and Pinnacle FTSO

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I don’t care about that.

What is the evidence?

The purpose for chilling would be to rid the network of clones and force, honest operators to come back with an independent algorithm from any other on the network. Instead, you chose to fire up your same algorithm under a new name, that is very bad intent, and if allowed to continue, could be done by everyone on the network over and over again to avoid punishment And continue their operation


You don’t have evidence of second chilling of PinnacleFTSO. Once, you don’t want growth of PinnacleFTSO, so even though you don’t have enough evidence, you are going to force to chill the PinnacleFTSO forever.

you should read the very first post

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Not enough of second chilling evidence.

Do you know the purpose of first chilling?

the management team will consider the evidence

Not enough of second chilling evidence.

according to who?

yes, even though there is no evidence of second chilling, if they chill pinnacleftso forever, I don’t have way. But I believe management group will be fair to everyone.

Seems there’s a disconnect here, can you just answer this question. are you aware that on February 19 AI land was chilled and no longer able to submit data for two weeks on the songbird network?

explained here

What explained? Show me the paragraph