Suspected Collusion Between FLRLabs and LoveFTSO

True FTSO supports this proposal.


FTSOCAN supports this proposal.



Can I ask if you have anythign else to say on this matter?

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Hi, our team acknowledges that the evidence is indeed striking, and we are conducting a thorough internal investigation to examine and assess it.


Once we have acquired all the necessary information and are confident in our assessment, we will reveal a detailed plan outlining how we intend to rebuild and move forward. We are doing our best to be proactive in our approach, preparing for the potential restructuring of our operations entirely if required.


okay sounds good.
I would be interested in that you reveal your dev, reason being is not because we want to approach your dev, but rather serve as more of a warning to others who might be using the same dev/dev group…
However I look forwared to your detailed plan.
Best Regards,


It appears we are heading in the right direction, thank you.


The predicament that has taken place in the past with similar situations is these outside devs have had access to the private keys of the TSO that is using their price. I think moving forward to chill on chain makes sense given how these situations have gone before.


Agreed, I think it makes sense to move forward with this. I truly hope we see some updates and changes from @FLRLABS in the near future to avoid a continued discussion on this subject.


Please update the group today, @FLRLABS

This group does not need to know your detailed plan or how you wish to rebuild, as it may further delay the process.

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Chill proposals will be created, tomorrow 25/5, for FLRLabs and LoveFTSO on both Flare and Songbird, as the evidence relates to both networks.


Can I ask how far you have got in your internal assessment? and if you are able to provide us with more information? For sun-dara, we feel the information you have currently provided seems inadequate, and so currently we would vote in favour of chilling.

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@Neil_AU thank you for explaining everything!
I will support this chill request.


I support the chill request. Thanks for laying out the evidence. Based on the evidence + official responses (and eventual concession of FLR Labs), it makes sense to go through with this chill.


I support the chill request.

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Hi, our internal investigation is still being conducted. We plan to reveal as much information as possible as soon as it is completed. We appreciate everyone’s patience.

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Chill proposals have been created on SONGBIRD.

FLRLabs Chill Proposal ID = 6

LoveFTSO Chill Proposal ID = 7

Option 4. castVote PollingFtso (0x790525B93Fa4BFd3A586b68C5F41c113645f8AF6) - Songbird Explorer

Proposal ID in the first box then 1 = FOR, 0 = AGAINST in the second box.

Or you can use the SolidiFi Toolbox … SolidiFi Web | XRPL, Flare & XinFin ecosystem


Chill proposals have been created on FLARE.

FLRLabs Chill Proposal ID = 3

LoveFTSO Chill Proposal ID = 4

Option 4. castVote PollingFtso (0x461c4219d5fcAF0fEA304F57a4b0f8061f08064A) - Flare Explorer

Proposal ID in the first box then 1 = FOR, 0 = AGAINST in the second box.

Or you can use the SolidiFi Toolbox … SolidiFi Web | XRPL, Flare & XinFin ecosystem


We’re yet to hear anything from @FLRLABS regarding their “Internal Investigation” but according to their Discord they’re rebuilding their FTSO.

What they should be doing is turning off their provider on both networks and conveying their findings.

Allowing several weeks to pass and Oliver the time to differentiate the services he’s running won’t satisfy the FTSO Management Groups.


We have scheduled a meeting with a member of the Flare Foundation. This meeting carries immense significance for us as it allows us to engage in discussions about our current situation with the foundation.

Once this meeting is completed, we will be well-prepared to unveil our plans and discoveries to the management group.