Chillable Guidelines Discussion - Erroneous/Bad Data

Provider Name(s): N/A

Provider Delegation Addresses:

sgb provider


flr provider


Network: FLR, Songbird


Purpose of this proposal is to formally declare if erroneous data submitted by a FTSO to either network is grounds for a chillable offense (whether or not the provider acted maliciously.) As we all know, the FTSO management group proposal highlighted no formal rules or framework for the group, however, as a community, it might be in the network(s) best interest to safeguard our algorithm submissions to prevent harm to the protocol and dApps/other protocols that may depend on the feeds today, and into the future.

This is an informal discussion with no time limit – Over time, if we garner enough interest to put up for a vote, it may come in multiple pieces.

Vote 1.) Erroneous data spikes/submits are a chillable offense
Vote 2.) Stable coin depeg protections should be set a .XX ratio as a FTSO Guideline
Vote 3.) Other things we may want to consider

This first appeared as a public consideration on @AtlasTSO thread at Common Price Fluctuations (spikes) between Ivy Oracle + Anon - #3 by Neil_AU

Many things to consider that may include but are not limited to:

Warnings for first offenses
Pattern of the Behavior
Tenure on the network (give a break to new providers)
Whether the provider is acting maliciously

Request of Management Group Members:

Pop in and give your thoughts over time if you see this thread.

Request to the Flare Foundation:

N/A – don’t chill these addresses, please

and to add… the FTSO protocol itself is robust when it comes to these bad data feeds in rational markets, however, after discussing the topic with @nortso it’s possible that the only consensus or vote that may come out of this is around depeg events on stables – it would be nice to be ahead of these rare doomsday scenarios as a community to prevent something catastrophic in the future.

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