Pricing links between FLR Labs, Civil FTSO and two other anonymous providers

We support the proposal of course: the evidence is clear and the justifications are insufficient to make us change our minds.

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We support this proposal.

FTSOCAN supports this proposal.

The explanation that is given is not realistic: for two providers to have the exact same results, at the exact same time, alll the time, would imply that both providers would be using the exact same ML/DL algorithm, with the exact same settings/calibration, using the exact same sets of dataā€¦! If this isnā€™t collusion, what is?

That a provider should even attempt to give us such an explanation is not only ridiculous, but it is downright insulting due to the level of intellectual dishonesty that such an explanation implies.


I havenā€™t managed to get in contact with civil ftso (the links on their website are dead) but I did this


Just thought Iā€™d add a few more details on the Songbird side (Iā€™ve not had a change to look at Flare)

For 480 epochs:
FLR Labs & 0X814CD7D3CEE516B8E0537085ECDECA7695D65C63 have 4595 of 8640 the same 53.18%
FLR Labs & 0X5B28A13AB8F85BF5C17254E6E72E2E1E7A5275AC have 4576 of 8640 the same 52.96%
FLR Labs & 0X733A73408D8E106B6AC999CCD9F3D308BCAEB7B5 have 4392 of 8640 the same 50.83%
No other providers have prices more than ~30% the same, with most having very little the same

FLR Labs started submitting in Jan 23 - 0x733 in March 23. FLR Labs had average success rates, 0x733 lower.
Starting in May, it was as if FLR Labs and 0x733 decided to swap performance (Chart shows success rate):


0x733 then kept getting better reaching itā€™s full maximum performance in June 2023 ā€“ it had taken many months for it to reach this.
In October, 0x5B2 started and instantly had highest performance. At the same time FLR Labs performance jumped to match 0x5B2 and 0x733:

A week later, 0x814 started and again instantly had highest the performance


Thanks to everyone who has responded so far. Iā€™ll look to trigger the vote on Tuesday 19th December, which is one week from now.

There is still plenty of time to provide additional information, either for or against the proposal.


Given all the evidences exposed, ACDTftso fully supports this proposal.


Starlink Oracle supports the proposal based on the evidence presented.

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AimlezzFTSO support this proposal


True FTSO supports this proposalā€¦

Transaction 0x8983a6dc40dcd3dc40cc66a3e96fa17e37c3c8c01d8172bcc13e6cead293a792 - Songbird Explorer (ID:15)
Transaction 0xc234bd4c57b4c432d864fe90847dd5928a2ed589510224f859c3b904dc6ed95c - Songbird Explorer (ID:16)
Transaction 0x4476db77dac94810832477fe29aa38da7dbc4c41ae91776972622d67e55cb347 - Songbird Explorer (ID:17)
Transaction 0xa1fae706578b10be0a4ea5e0661845c771735ac347dc41d96c27003240dae8e1 - Songbird Explorer (ID:18)

Transaction 0xbd91a8547ba613709eae6864c0a38377222288a8b4b05e692ac1ed59739145e0 - Flare Explorer (ID:15)
Transaction 0xc63639ab8eed5fc07266e8e9bdf1e561ba7f40ba9288d5942b4ed7f367ab6c3d - Flare Explorer (ID:16)

Voting is now live.

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Based on these facts Flare Oracle supports the proposal.

I support the proposal

Some additional information.

Out of the four Songbird addresses listed in this chill proposal, three of them stopped submitting prices at exactly the same epoch, two hours before the vote ended. Epoch: 396274

The fourth address stopped submitting prices around the time the proposal was submitted.

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0x43f0(FLR LABS) are chilled forever. But after first chilling, following 3 providers started again with similar high success rate. I think they should run only one provider among 3 providers.


Your the owner or pinnacleftso and AIlandflare correct?

Youā€™re the owner of Pinnacle ftso and AILandFlare correct?